Construction crews are out on School Rd. east of STH 76  until June to fix driveway issues and restore terraces. Please use an alternative route if possible.

Lin Property Restoration

The following page has been developed to provide interested individuals information and action taken in response to stream dredging activities to an unnamed navigable tributary in the Town of Greenville.  This activity occurred on property south of the Fox Cities YMCA, west of State Highway 76 and North of State Highway 96.  The property is currently owned by the Lin Family, LLC.  Parcel IDs are 110080700, 110080600.

The Town of Greenville has established the following list of priorities in response to the dredging activities.

  1. Protect and restore the stream, wetlands and any other important environmental areas to the condition required under the enforcement measures issued from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Outagamie County Zoning and any other regulatory agencies. 
  2. Minimize the legal risk and financial exposure to the Town and ultimately the taxpayer.
  3. Investigate, determine and assign responsibility for the actions leading up to this incident. This will include the following:
    • Negotiate the recovery of expenditures from responsible parties for costs incurred to resolve and satisfy enforcement measures levied.  Litigate if necessary.  The Town of Greenville filed a formal complaint with the Outagamie County Circuit Court against Michael Woods and RJ Excavating on March 6, 2018.
    • Implemented and updated Town policies and procedures to improve administrative oversight. 
    • Provided discipline to staff where appropriate.
  4. Rebuild trust with Town residents, the general public and other agencies (DNR, Outagamie County, etc.).  We will do this through transparent and responsible governance.
    • The Town Board adopted Resolution #16-17 (Censure of Town Board Supervisor for Action Impacting Lin Property in the Town of Greenville) on October 9, 2017

The Town Board and administration have put certain policy and procedural controls in place since this incident.  Namely, the Town Board adopted a formal purchasing policy.  Under this policy, formal Town Board action would have been required through an open meeting.  Furthermore, additional management controls have been established to provide another layer of oversight on the payment of vouchers.

On behalf of the Town of Greenville Board and staff, we appreciate your patience and understanding in addressing this incident.  We strive to make the Town of Greenville government transparent, accountable and responsible.  Updates to this project will be posted on this page as they develop and become available.

Who to Contact?

Questions, comments or concerns can be directed to Town Administrator Joel Gregozeski.  Joel can be reached at (920) 757-5151 or by email at: