Construction crews are out on School Rd. east of STH 76  until June to fix driveway issues and restore terraces. Please use an alternative route if possible.

Parks, Recreation & Forestry

Parks, Recreation and Forestry

Memorial TreeMission:
It is the mission of the Greenville Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department to improve the quality of life for all of Greenville’s residents and visitors by providing and promoting well-maintained parks, recreational facilities, open space and urban forest.

The Town of Greenville contains 220 acres of parkland and open space which is divided into 12 parks and properties. There are also currently approximately 8 miles of multi-use recreational trails within the Town. Greenville’s urban forest consists of more than 3.600 trees which includes street trees, park trees and trees on other Town owned properties.

The Greenville Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Town’s parks, trails, open spaces and urban forest. It is our goal to provide safe and aesthetic facilities to serve all of Greenville’s residents. We have also begun to provide limited recreational programs and special events and hope to expand this service as we move into the future. Greenville has an award-winning urban forestry program that is responsible for planting and maintaining safe and healthy trees on all public properties as well as promoting the benefits of the urban forest to the community. The department is also responsible for the landscape maintenance of all other Town owned properties including Town Hall, water towers and two cemeteries.

Important News & Announcements
- For afterhours emergencies call (920)757-7276 and select OPTION 2
At the opening of our 2022 rental season, residents should make note of the recent changes to our Facility Reservation Agreement and corresponding fee schedule.  

Additional Links 
Facility Rental Agreement
Park Rules & Regulations
Landscape Beautification Nomination

Parks Recreation and FOrestry